Class Notes for Oct. 6-9, 2014

October is upon us already! It seems impossible that five weeks have gone by already. The class has been busy finishing and presenting our robot stories and planet presentations.

We add a new element to the mix this week with the start of a Drama residency with Michael Wehrli. Similar to last year’s residency, half the class will go with Michael and his assistant to the stage for a half-hour session while the other half works with me on math or literacy, depending on the day of the week. When the first group comes back, we trade places. The residency runs Monday through Thursday until the first week of November. A performance for family will take place the evening of Thursday, Nov. 13. Mark your calendar.

Shortly after the Drama residency ends, the class starts up Bike Safety class. This is a great opportunity for students to learn safe cycling habits and have fun while they’re doing it. Warm clothing is a must on cycling days (I will get a detailed schedule out as we get closer to that time). Bicycles and helmets are provided.

I am looking forward to our Bonneville Dam and Fish Hatchery field trip on Monday, Oct. 27. Please return permission slips no later than Thursday, Oct. 9. Thanks to those parents who have volunteered to come along with us. It should be a great day of learning.

If you have not filled out the Spring Science Camp questionnaire, please go to It’s one of the world’s shortest questionnaires and should only take a couple of minutes to complete. This will really help the organizers of the Science Camp fundraisers. Thanks!

For more information on our Reed College Science lesson on Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, go to

We are focusing on states and capitals of the Pacific Northwest. There will be a quiz on Thursday, so it’s time to start brushing up on them. Homework this week went home on Friday and I will continue with that. Having the option of working on the weekend appeals to many of the students.

On Monday we will finish our first full-length read aloud novel, Rump. It told the “true” story of Rumpelstiltskin and the kids loved it. I have to admit I had fun reading it aloud also. Have your child retell a favorite part of the story to you.

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About Mr. Colvin

I'm a retired elementary teacher (classroom and music) who taught at Lewis and Woodmere elementary schools in SE Portland. I like to teach, play guitar, take photos, and ride my bike.
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