Class Notes for June 8-11, 2015

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Wow, what a year! Looking back through the posts on our class blog during the year is a good way to to get a feel for what we did as a class this year. And we did a lot.

Starting with the first post in early September and ending with this post, we moved through the year and made great strides in academics and as a community of learners. I got to witness students growing and working their way through the end of elementary school and readying themselves for what lies ahead: middle school, high school, and beyond. The enthusiasm of this group for learning new concepts was nothing short of amazing. I was lucky enough as a teacher to get to work with seven students from the beginning of 4th grade last year to the end of last year.

One of my favorite parts of the year was reading aloud to the class. We read some powerful novels and autobiographies (The Fourteenth Goldfish, I Am Malala, One for the Murphys, and Wonder), funny books (Rump and The Princess Bride), and some classics (Charlotte’s Web).

Please take time to browse through the blog with your child when the dust from the end of the year settles down. I hope you will find it enjoyable. Feel free to pause the photo slideshows and save images that have been posted through the year. I cannot guarantee that the blog will be around forever, so grab what you want while you can.

Parents, thank you for helping make this a great year for your child and me. Your encouragement of them throughout the year has made a big difference.

The 5th-Grade promotion is on Thursday at 2:00. I look forward to seeing you there if you can make it.

I wish all of my students a pleasant summer and a great experience in 6th grade. Keep in touch. My plans include volunteering at Lewis and Woodmere schools and substituting starting in January, so I might bump into you someday after school if you come back to visit.

About Mr. Colvin

I'm a retired elementary teacher (classroom and music) who taught at Lewis and Woodmere elementary schools in SE Portland. I like to teach, play guitar, take photos, and ride my bike.
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